My Way To Sell Used Laptop Near Me

Two years ago I bought my best laptop. I have gathered money for it for few months and when I bought it at last I felt the happiest person in the entire world. It was a MacBook, white as snow, brand new, stylish and fancy outside. There were even more benefits inside of it: perfect screen, colors, and sound, different useful functions that were really helpful in my studies and work. Now you know that I am a girl because I cannot tell more about all abilities of my gadget. I paid a lot of cash for my perfect laptop and it was the most expensive thing I have ever had.


But you must understand - two years is a huge period for modern technologies and for Apple Company as well. New models of MacBook were released and one perfect birthday that became the best in my life, my parents presented me a new Apple laptop, fancier and more expensive.

So, I have got better unit for my use and I didn't need the old one anymore. I didn't have brothers or sisters (being the only child has its benefits, you can take it from me) and I couldn't pass my laptop to my sibling. It was also still too expensive to give it to someone for free. So, I decided to find all possible ways to sell used laptop somewhere near me and Internet was the best place for it.

My getting cash for laptop investigation

First I tried to find blogs with comments of people that have already had such experience and read up a piece of advice from them. That was easy to do. There are many websites that help people like me. All that I had to do was to choose the option that will suit me the most.


  • Pawn shops. The easiest way to sell something and to get cash for it right away is to take it to the pawn shop. I have never tried this way before, so I was not sure if I have the slightest idea how to do that. So, the Internet became my helper here again. I found out that not all pawn shops want to buy laptops and that it is better to call there and ask first. I found few options in my area and called to every of them. I hoped that this was the best way to sell used laptop near me and all my thoughts were about this option.
    Having about 6-7 phone-numbers I managed to find only one that agreed to look at my laptop and offer its price. I was not sure I really like the idea, but it was worthy trying, so I went to that pawn shop. There was a nice young man, who examined my gadget and started to look for something on his computer. A few minutes later he told me that they cannot pay me more than $150 for my gadget, but if I agree I can get cash for my laptop right now. I was truly disappointed. I wanted to get at least half of the price I have paid for it and it was about $500 (my laptop cost over $1000 two years ago) and I couldn't give it away for even less than half of this sum. I took my MacBook and went home. I think, that was my first and last visit to the pawn shop.

  • Online services that buy old laptops. During my research I have found a lot of a href="/testimonials/">feedback from users, who have tried online services that bought old gadgets. It was possible to sell not just laptops, but also smart-phones and tablets. Telling the truth, I was not really sure in this method of getting cash for my outdated unit, but I had to try. And I found the best solution to the problem. I had two old smart-phones that were useless for me for a long time, so now I had things that I could sell to try the service. Actually, I didn't think that they will pay me for them at all, but I had to try. Of course it was not the way to sell used laptop near me because most of those services were located even in other states, but it seemed to be quite acceptable, since there are no problems with shipping in our country.

  • So, I found the most suitable website with a lot of positive feedback from its users and contacted its representative. I was offered to fill out the form and give all information about my devices and my personal particulars together with shipping information. Few days later I received a package and sent it back with my units inside. Not long after that I got my money. It was not a big sum, but I was really surprised that someone paid me for things I considered garbage. Unfortunately, this service couldn't pay me much for my used, but still fancy laptop, so I continued my searching.

  • eBay. My last resort was some online service where people sell and by different things from each other. And it is not surprising that my choice was eBay. Almost all Americans use it to sell something or to buy things much cheaper than in the store. I followed all instructions provided by the service and placed my offer on the website. I wanted to find someone from the neighborhood and sell my used laptop somewhere near me, in perfect case I wanted my customer to be from my own city. Maybe someone cannot see the reason for such desire, but I really didn't want to send this MacBook by mail. It was without a single scratch, without a single blame on the surface and I wanted it to come perfect to its new owner.

sell used laptop

I turned out to be a lucky girl. One of guys that contacted me and wanted to buy my laptop for a really high price (more than I hoped to get) was from my city. We met in one of the cafes and I received my money and he received his MacBook?? my perfect bargain.

I don't want to say that this way of selling laptops is the best for everyone. Reading comments of many people on different websites I found that they prefer different services that were mentioned above. I just want to assure you that there are many acceptable options for people that need to sell their stuff. My perfect method was eBay. And, by the way, me and that guy - we are dating now.

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